MBS Staff Refreshes its Project Management Skills

June 23, 2016

Being employees of an educational institution, the MBS staff is always eager to educate themselves. Hence, they are refreshing their project management skills in a workshop led by MBS lecturer Andrea Nickel today.

MBS Student & Composer Shows his Musical Talent

June 14, 2016

Samuel Labrecque, international exchange student at MBS, is a talented composer and musician playing several instruments. Recently, he played on the organ at  St. Andreas church of Munich. Watch him perform Johann Pachelbel’s Ricercare in […]

A Q&A With “Exotic” Students at MBS

June 13, 2016

The number of countries represented at Munich Business School continues to increase each passing year. I remember times at MBS when the only groups of so-called non-Germans were the visiting exchange students. Now, each of […]

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