On January 28, 2020, Sandra Badewitz from Agorize introduced the MBS Bachelor students with a focus on Innovation and Digital Business as well as the students of the Master of Innovation & Entrepreneurship to the world of Open Innovation Challenges.
Open Innovation refers to an innovation process that operates across organizational boundaries and also exploits knowledge and ideas from external experts. Agorize is the first platform for Open Innovation Challenges that connects large brand companies with different target groups – start-ups, developers or students.
The MBS students selected the Campus 2030 Challenge for their contribution, which was announced and organized by the United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). In teams of two to five people, they developed innovative ideas for the topics Students Living Standards, The Campus in the City, New Educational Issues, and Digital on the Campus on how the Campus of the future can implement the Sustainable Development Goals to be considered socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.