By publishing the MBS Impact Report 2021, Munich Business School is for the first time publicly displaying its commitment to social responsibility. The report documents university activities in the areas of social equity, environmental protection and economic viability. Regular updates are set to follow in the future.
There are growing calls for business – and thus also business schools, as educational institutions for the leaders of tomorrow – to play an active role in tackling major societal challenges such as climate change and global health. Munich Business School takes this responsibility towards society seriously and acknowledges its commitment with the publication of the first MBS Impact Report. The MBS Impact Report 2021 outlines the university’s impact model, which is based on the three pillars of social equity, environmental protection and economic viability. It also documents university activities in these areas, ranging from introducing a Diversity & Inclusion Officer and participating in the World Cleanup Day to the entrepreneurs from the circle of MBS alumni seeking to tackle social and ecological problems with their business ideas. The MBS Impact Report 2021 is available for download from Munich Business School’s Impact webpage.
MBS Impact Report Shows Commitment to Social Responsibility

In addition to the university’s membership in the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative, the MBS Impact Report represents a further internal tool to communicate the progress on social commitment to the outside world. The aim of documenting this impact and driving it forward in study programs and extracurricular events in future enjoys support from the highest levels of university management. Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi regards “business schools, and the management education they deliver, as one of the custodians of society”. Chancellor Dr. Christine Menges is equally emphatic: “Business schools have to respond to changes in society. It is clear that we face different challenges now than we did in the past and I see it as my responsibility to integrate this into my work at MBS.” Prof. Dr. Sophie Hieke was appointed as Impact Officer for conceptual development and work on the first edition of the MBS Impact Report. For her, the report has been a rewarding project: “It has been a great pleasure to document all our activities and give them an appropriate space. We already have plans for the next steps towards developing our own impact model in the future.”

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