MBS Bachelor alumna Dr. Alessa Witt presented ‘The Best of German Mittelstand‘. The book gives a comprehensive overview of the most exciting German Mittelstand companies and their Hidden Champions in an encyclopedia manner. She has co-authored the introduction which outlines and explains what the German Mittelstand is, its mentality and why it works so successfully in Germany. The book is co-edited by MBS guest lecturer Dr. Florian Langenscheidt.
Dr. Alessa Witt is a consultant and board member at German British Forum who holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor from Munich Business School. She has lived and has gained extensive academic and business experience in both Germany and Great Britain. Since her time at MBS she is focusing on so-called ‘Hidden Champions’, which are world market leading, often family-owned Mittelstand firms. Her PhD research focused on identifying whether Britain has its own Mittelstand and compared these to world market leading Mittelstand firms in Germany.