Last Thursday, September 17, 2020, the Career Center of Munich Business School organized the first recruiting event of the fall semester 2020 – for the first time completely online due to the coronavirus pandemic and to protect all participants. In one-and-a-half hour sessions each, two companies -Dennemeyer and VMware – presented themselves and discussed career entry and job opportunities in the technology industry.

The Dennemeyer Group holds a special position in the global IP industry and is the most widely positioned full-service provider for IP management by combining an IP law firm, a service provider for IP management, an IP consulting firm and its own IP management software.

VMware is the 6th biggest software company in the world offering software solutions in the areas of cloud, computing, networking and security, to 98% of fortune 500 companies, to support their digital transformation. Their mission is to make technology a force for good and have made massive contributions to sustainability and the avoidance of CO2 emission (664 million metric tons have been avoided with VMware products since 2003).
Using short inquiries, the company representatives – some alumni of MBS themselves – succeeded in actively involving the numerous participants and making the presentation interesting and interactive. The recruiting event was met with great interest by almost 100 bachelor’s, master’s and MBA students who logged in at its peak. This was a successful start. We thank our cooperation partners Dennemeyer and VMware for their virtual visit and look forward to other exciting career events in the coming weeks!

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Then the international business degrees at Munich Business School (MBS) are just right for you! At MBS you won’t cram dry theory from old textbooks, but learn in a outcome-oriented way and gain valuable practical experience. Convince yourself:
Bachelor’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business I Finance
Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Master’s in International Marketing and Brand Management
Master’s in Sports Business and Communication
MBA General Management
Doctor of Business Administration