Getting a business degree is a fantastic achievement, however, it’s not only about showing your excellence through grades. When choosing business school, league tables, range of modules and career prospects after graduation are perhaps your most important selection criteria. However, this is not an exhaustive list. In fact, one of the most important elements to consider, is whether an institution provides sufficient opportunities for networking with potential employers. In many cases, having such network and exploiting it can give you a head-start into a fantastic career.
LinkedIn – the digital platform for networking
Building a strong network should start off in parallel to your studies because you become part of an institution, and therefore, you are not just an anonymous person. In business, it is important to have a strong LinkedIn profile to “store” your network. This modern version of a “business card” is also your node to the business world so getting it right sets you on a path towards success. Workshops and bootcamps with business advisors, recruitment personnel and even LinkedIn employees have been working very well here at Munich Business School. This approach helped our students to understand tools like LinkedIn, and maximize the use of its features in order to develop networks effectively.
The university’s corporate network as an important gateway for one’s own job entry
When choosing your education provider, be sure to check out their connections. The school’s business network should matter to you as an applicant, because this can also become your window of opportunity for potential employment. The window can open through formal career events, organized by the career’s office but also more ad hoc opportunities. Getting connected to senior management from the likes of Meta or Microsoft at an early stage can be both a very good test to the networking skills and a potential way to get your next job interview. Making the most out of the school’s network can be quite fun and casual. Recently, MBS students had an opportunity to meet Allianz, but this time business dress code did not apply. Taking off the tie, stacking it on a shelf and taking part in a quiz night was a great way for our alumni, now working for Allianz to catch up with Munich Business School. Equally, it was a unique opportunity to meet the company and learn about it in a fun way whilst also developing those crucial connections. And the best part? At the end of the event, participants were invited to an exclusive visit to Allianz headquarters – a great opportunity for even more networking!
Projects with companies open up particularly intensive networking opportunities
How about opportunities to work with companies whilst being a student? Yes, they are an enormous chance for securing employment after graduation. That is exactly why they are an integral part of the studies at Munich Business School: MBA candidates at Munich Business School recently completed business projects with Microsoft and FlixBus on customer insights. Master’s students took part in an exciting project focusing on market entry strategy in the US for Citkar. Contribution to these projects created additional value for the companies and supported our students in the development of skills such as leadership, project management or data analytics. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with full-time employees, they were able to grow their network and showcase their skills in a real context, which, from a company’s perspective is a much better way to assess potential employee than any interview scenario.
So, whilst choosing a business school is not an easy task. Illustrated by the examples above, you can see that career opportunities aren’t limited to career events. Networking is important for those potential career opportunities and doing so with the right school makes things easier. As a student, you are in the driving seat and ultimately, it is up to you to make the most of the opportunities provided. However, the school can certainly be your route guide in helping you get the most return on your investment whilst having a unique experience.
The author is responsible for the content and form of the article.

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