MBA Meet the Expert – Successful Failing

MBS Success Failure

Without Columbus’ failure to sail westward to India, the world would not be the same today. But it’s not only serendipity, turning a wrong step into the first step in the right direction. Failures and losses teach us many things – and sometimes we even find that our bad experiences in particular held the key to future successes. However, is it possible to “fail successfully”? Is there a system in doing wrong to make it right? What can I do to learn from my mistakes? What can we learn for business and what for life?

Having spent several years consulting with individuals whose businesses failed, René Leibold can draw on his vast experience with different forms of failure. On Monday evening, he took the MBS MBA students and alumni on a 90-minute journey, analyzing the various types of failures and engaging the audience in discussions on failures and successes. By the end of the very interactive lecture, the audience had received deep insights into the do’s and don’ts of handling failure and left well-equipped with tools to turn potential failures into success.

About the speaker


Since 1997, René Leibold is the CEO of the connect Neustadt GmbH & Co. KG, a labor market-oriented HR-Company situated in Northern Bavaria. The M.A. is also a representative of the German Global Economic Network e.V. which takes care of the United Nations’ “Trade Point” in Germany. René Leibold is specialized on International Networking, Corporate Social Responsibility and Reputation Management.