Lars Lamadé, Head of Sponsoring for Europe and Asia at SAP, took students and alumni on a journey through innovative Sponsoring methods and strategies of SAP, especially in regard of international sports clubs, organizations and athletes.
On Friday, we had the honour to welcome Lars Lamadé as a guest speaker at our facilities at Munich Business School. The lecture was a part of the Sports Business and Communication master program but was free to attend for all courses, therefore many students used the chance to listen to the lecturers talk.
As a Walldorf native Mr. Lamadé is naturally strongly connected with SAP, starting already during his studies to work at the company. In the following years he gained insights in all kinds of departments, including HR and marketing. Since 2016 he is responsible for the sponsoring in Europe and Asia and therefore all the cooperations in these regions.
SAP has come a long way regarding his sponsoring partners and methods. McLaren, for example is regarded to be one of the oldest SAP Sponsoring partner. By the time of the first contract in 1997, the company was looking for a wide audience to be visually confronted with the companies logo. A lot has changed since that day. Nowadays, the sponsoring philosophy of SAP is probably one of the most innovative ones worldwide.
The companies goal is to develop diversified and authentic technology showcases with global partners and to offer world-class customer experiences. Main focus in the strategy is to drive thought leadership by adding value for all members of the sponsoring portfolio. Mr. Lamadé showed the students a range of showcases and explained the benefits of the sponsoring deals and the advantages the partners get from individualized software solutions.
Prof. Dr. David Wagner, Academic Director Sports Business and Communication with Lars Lamadé, Head of Sponsoring for Europe and Asia at SAP.
We were very happy to get the opportunity to offer the students and alumni of all MBS courses such an interesting top-class speaker. During the lecture Mr. Lamadé gave all participants the chance to ask questions about his personal experiences, as well as SAP related issues. Afterwards he took the time to stay a couple of minutes to talk individually with interested students.
Thanks to Lars Lamadé for coming and for the interesting lecture!