The Courage Center at Munich Business School runs two pro bono projects to support family businesses during the Covid-19 crisis.
At the HelpLine, Senior and Next Generation owners of family businesses can request a free-of-charge call with the expert team of the Courage Center and get assistance in discussing and navigating questions in the areas of Family Communication, Wealth Protection, Financial Management and Business Leadership. The Zoom calls can be conducted in German, English and Spanish.
At the ExpertLine, the Courage Center broadcasts expert interviews every Tuesday and Thursday via Instagram and Facebook. Family Business members, entrepreneurs and young leaders can tune in, follow and discuss Best Practises on Leadership, Operations, Finance and Logistics during the crisis with leading experts in the respective fields.
“We learned that family business owners need someone to talk to, and are thankful for best practice sharing, guidance, advice in this crisis situation”, says MBS Professor Dr. Bergfeld, founder and director of the Courage Center. “Having to take fast and sometimes drastic decisions in such a crisis can be a very lonely and stressful situation. We are here for the family businesses in the MBS community!”
HelpLine calls can be requested via email at helpline@courage.sg. ExpertLine interviews and discussions can be found on Instagram via @courage_familybusiness or on Facebook via @couragefamilybusiness.
“Character shows in times of Crisis”, says Prof. Dr. Bergfeld. “So let’s be the best version of ourselves and all pull together.”