Professor*innen und Dozent*innen sprechen miteinander

Dipl. - Betriebsw. Anne Hagen

Anne Hagen studied German philology at Caen University and Business Administration at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. She started working in the field of franchise consulting in Paris. Following that, she worked as a credit analyst and director for the corporate credit department of the Société Générale in Frankfurt, Saarbrücken and Munich. After more than 15 years of independent work in student and adult language training, Anne Hagen now works at the Institut Français Munich and at the LMU Munich where she teaches French, Economics and Political Education.

At MBS: Dozentin für Wirtschaftsfranzösisch und französische Kultur
Programs: Bachelor International Busines, Master International Business, MBA General Management Full-Time
Concentrations: Wirtschaftsfranzösisch und französische Kultur

Umarbeitung eines Kunstkatalogs ins Französische, Theodor G Sellner

ISBN 3-87553-299-6

PAGE-TITLE: Dozenten-Details