Bringing the professorial staff together, using synergies and developing new research ideas free from digital distraction – that was the goal of the first Researchaton of Munich Business School, which took place last Tuesday, January 14. Ten professors from Munich Business School met in the inspiring Microsoft premises to take a detailed look at the topic “Digitization and Sustainability – A Contradiction?”.
In advance, all participants had already considered a problem and a resulting research question on the topic. After presenting these research questions, the professors agreed on the three most exciting ideas, which they wanted to pursue in newly mixed teams. The participants had a total of 10 hours to discuss and formulate their questions, concepts and approaches. They presented their results the following day in the MBS Lounge at the so-called Researchaton Breakfast. The outcome is exciting research ideas that will of course be further developed in the future – a follow-up is therefore already planned for June.