Bachelor Degrees
Difference Bachelor of Arts
and Bachelor of Science
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Bachelor Degrees: Differences and Future Prospects

Bachelor's degrees are the first step in academic education and provide a solid foundation for a variety of career fields. A common uncertainty is not understanding the difference between a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). These two titles have different emphases and goals, which are explained in more detail in this statement. It is important to understand the differences in order to make the right choice for your academic and professional career.

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What is the Bachelor of Arts?

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is an academic degree awarded in many countries as part of the higher education system.

It is most common in the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts. Here are some common fields of study offered in B.A. programs:

  1. Linguistics and Literary Studies: This includes fields of study such as English, German, French, Spanish, linguistics, and comparative literature.
  2. Social Sciences: This includes subjects such as sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, and communication studies.
  3. Arts and Humanities: Fields of study such as history, art history, philosophy, music, theater, and cultural studies fall into this category.
  4. Educational Sciences: This includes fields of study related to teacher education, pedagogy, and education sciences.
  5. Religious Studies and Theology: Programs of study in the study of religions, religious practices, and theological topics.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other areas of study within B.A. degree programs. The degree typically provides a broad, general knowledge of these fields and promotes critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate.

A Bachelor of Arts Program often offers flexibility in selecting courses and concentrations to meet individual interests and career goals. It can also provide a foundation for further study, such as a master's or doctoral degree in a related field. Outcomes in this field are usually not reproducible, and there is often not necessarily a right or wrong answer.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduates have a variety of career options. They can work in a variety of industries, including education, media, culture, government, corporate communications, social services and more. Specific career prospects depend on the field of study chosen and individual skills and interests.

What is the Bachelor of Science?

The Bachelor of Science is also an academic degree awarded as an undergraduate degree at colleges and universities in many countries. Unlike the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, which usually focuses on humanities and social science fields of study, the Bachelor of Science degree focuses on science, engineering, mathematics, and other related fields.

A Bachelor of Science degree program provides students with a solid scientific apprenticeship based on research, analysis, and practical applications. Typical fields of study within a B.Sc. degree program include:

  1. Natural sciences: This includes subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and environmental science. Students in these programs explore the natural laws of our universe.
  2. Engineering: This includes majors such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and civil engineering. These focus on designing, developing and implementing technologies and systems. Whereas, there is also sometimes a Bachelor of Engineering degree here.
  3. Mathematics and Statistics: Mathematics studies emphasize mathematical theories and applications, while programs in statistics focus on analyzing data and generating insights.
  4. Computer Science: Computer science programs focus on software development, database management, artificial intelligence, and other areas of information technology.

The Bachelor of Science is known for its scientific and analytical approach, in which experiments must be reproducible. During their studies, students learn to solve complex problems, apply scientific methods, and critically evaluate data. Research and laboratory work are often integral parts of these programs.

Upon completion of a B.Sc. degree program, graduates have a variety of career options. They may work in research institutions, technical companies, health care, environmental protection, IT industries, finance, and many other industries. The B.Sc. can also form the basis for further studies, such as master's or doctoral studies in related fields.


MBS offers an explanation page about the Bachelor in general. There you can learn more about the study programs.

Which programs can be completed with both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees?

There are a number of programs that can be completed with both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree, as they are offered depending on the individual focus and interests of the students. These degree programs often include areas that incorporate elements of the humanities and social sciences as well as the natural sciences. Here are some examples:

  1. Business Studies: A B.A. in Business Studies could be more focused on management, marketing, and corporate culture, while a B.Sc. could be more focused on quantitative methods and finance.
  2. Psychology: The B.A. in Psychology may be more based on social science aspects such as social psychology and clinical psychology, while the B.Sc. may be more focused on scientific methods and empirical research.
  3. Communication Studies: a B.A. could focus on media communication and social aspects of communication, while a B.Sc. could focus on technical communication and data analysis.
  4. Environmental Science: The B.A. in Environmental Science could focus on policy, sustainability, and environmental ethics, while the B.Sc. could cover more scientific and technical aspects such as environmental chemistry and ecology.

It is important to note that the exact differences between B.A. and B.Sc. in these programs may vary from college to college. Therefore, it is advisable to review the specific programs and content of study at each college to find the best fit for your interests and career goals.

What are the Bachelor degrees
besides the B.A. and the B.Sc. ?

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) This degree focuses on business studies and management.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) This degree focuses on engineering and technical subjects.
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) This degree is for students in the fine arts, including art, design, and drama.
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) For prospective teachers and educators who focus on education.
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) This degree program focuses on social work and helping communities and individuals.
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) This is the degree for law students and lawyers.
Bachelor of Medicine (B.Med) In medical programs, this degree can be the pre-clinical portion of the apprenticeship.
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) Students of architecture earn this degree.
Bachelor of Music (B.Mus) This degree is about music and musical skills.
Bachelor of Communication (B.Comm) This degree deals with communication sciences and techniques.
Bachelor of Design (B.Des) Students who specialize in design and creation receive this degree.
Bachelor of Environmental Science (B.Env.Sc) This degree focuses on environmental science and sustainability.
Bachelor of Nursing (B.N) This degree is designed for aspiring nurses.

This list is far from exhaustive, as there are a variety of Bachelor's programs and degrees that span a range of disciplines and career fields. Each of these degrees allows students to gain specialized knowledge and skills in their respective fields.

Difference between Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science

The main difference between a B.A. and a B.Sc. is the course content and the orientation of the respective program:

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.):

  • A B.Sc. degree program usually focuses on science, engineering, mathematics, or technology disciplines.
  • Courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, or statistics are often awarded as B.Sc. degrees.
  • A B.Sc. program often places more emphasis on quantitative research methods, laboratory work, and the application of scientific principles.
  • There may be a greater emphasis on mathematical and analytical skills.

It is important to note that this difference in focus does not mean that a Bachelor of Arts is less demanding or less scientific than a Bachelor of Science. Both degrees require academic excellence and the ability to engage in critical analysis, but they differ in the subject areas on which they focus. In any case, there are no differences in terms of their value. Both B.A. and B.Sc. degrees typically have a length of study of six to eight semesters. Both degrees offer the option of following up with a master's degree, and in both cases the program is structured in modules, includes various courses and practical elements, and a final examination toward the end of the program.

The choice between a B.A. and a B.Sc. depends on your personal interests, your career goal, and the fields that appeal to you most. A Bachelor of Arts often offers a broader range of study and can be more creative and interpretive, while a Bachelor of Science delves deeper into scientific and mathematical principles and develops quantitative skills.

When should you pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree?

You may prefer a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) to a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) if your interests and career goals better match the focus of a B.A. program. Here are some situations where a Bachelor of Arts might make more sense:

Career goals:

If your career goals are in education, arts, culture, communications, social work, or other humanities and social science career fields, a B.A. may provide better preparation.


B.A.s often offer a wide range of fields of study and the opportunity to customize to individual interests. If you're still undecided about your field of study, a B.A. can be a more flexible option.

Research and Analysis:

If you want to develop a deep understanding of complex social, cultural, or humanities issues and enjoy conducting qualitative research, a B.A. is a good fit.

It is important to consider your personal interests, strengths, and goals when choosing between a B.A. and a B.Sc. degree. Both degrees have their own value and will prepare you for different career paths. It may also be wise to seek career counseling or speak with academic advisors to help you make the best choice for you.

Difference of B.A. and B.Sc. at a glance

This chart provides an overview of the difference between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science degree.

When should you pursue a Bachelor of Science degree?

You should choose a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) over a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) if your interests and career goals are more focused on scientific, engineering, mathematical, or technological fields and you don't necessarily place much emphasis on human contact in your professional life. Here are some situations where a B.Sc. might make more sense:

Career goals:

If you want to pursue a career in science or technical fields, such as research, engineering, information technology, health care, environmental protection, or statistics, a B.Sc. provides the specialized training you need.

Research and Quantitative Analysis:

If you are interested in quantitative research, data analysis, and solving complex technical or scientific problems, a B.Sc. is a better fit.

Technological Innovation:

A B.Sc. often provides the opportunity to develop and apply new technologies, which is in demand in many technology and science industries.

The choice between a B.A. and a B.Sc. should be based on your personal interests, skills and career goals. It is important to carefully consider which field of study best suits you and which course content matches your interests. The decision should be based on thorough self-reflection and a clear idea of what career options you are pursuing.

Most important differences between MBA and Master summarized:

Criteria Master MBA
Age Mostly early 20s Mostly early 30s
Cost Mostly a little cheaper Mostly a little more expensive
When After Bachelor directly or also later After Bachelor & work experience (mostly 2 years)
How long 1-2 years 1-2 years
Requirements Bachelor or comparable degree, often certain grade point average Bachelor or comparable degree, often certain grade point average, work experience
What is offered Specialization General broad knowledge
Specialization General broad knowledge General business and management topics
Field of specialization Almost all subjects that offer a Bachelor's degree usually also have a Master's degree Business Administration - Business Studies & Management
Professional goals Experts or researchers Executives and managers
Teaching methods Theoretical knowledge, practice-oriented elements possible Case studies, projects and teamwork etc.
Practical orientation Mostly little Emphasizes practical application
Degree Master of Arts, Science, Laws etc. Master of Business Administration

Future prospects: Professional fields and career paths

Often, one's career choice or path depends not only on the type of bachelor's degree, but also on the subject studied and the focus one chooses as a student.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.):

A B.Sc. focuses on science, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and offers career opportunities in the following areas:

  • Engineering: As an engineer, you can work in a variety of industries, including mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering.
  • Information Technology (IT): Jobs in the IT industry, such as software development, network administration, and data analysis, are in demand.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare, B.Sc. graduates can work in fields such as medicine, pharmacy, nursing, and health informatics.
  • Natural Sciences: careers in the natural sciences include research, environmental protection, biology, and chemistry.
  • Mathematics and Statistics: Jobs in data analysis, actuarial science, and finance require strong math skills.
  • Research and Development: B.Sc. graduates can work in research labs, technology companies, and innovation centers to develop new technologies and solutions.

It is important to note that future prospects may depend heavily on the chosen field, individual career development and region. In either case, lifelong learning and a willingness to continue education is critical to remain competitive and take advantage of career opportunities. The choice between a B.A. and a B.Sc. should therefore be based on the student's own interests, strengths and professional goals.

MBS Bachelor Studies
- B.A. or B.Sc.?

The Bachelor International Business at Munich Business School (MBS) is a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree program. Here are some features of this degree program:

Study focus The Bachelor International Business at MBS focuses on business fields of study, including marketing, finance, management and international business practices.
International Perspective This degree program emphasizes the importance of global business processes and intercultural competence. Students have the opportunity to participate in international projects and exchange programs.
Practical orientation MBS attaches great importance to practical experience, which is made possible through internships, company projects and guest lectures by experts in the field.
English Language The program is offered in English to provide students with an international learning environment.
Duration The duration of the program is usually six semesters (three years).
Degree Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Business.

With this B.A. degree, graduates are well prepared to work in leadership and management positions in various international business units and companies, both in Germany and worldwide.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Bachelor degrees

Difference between Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science

Is Business Studies Bachelor of Arts or Science?

Business Studies (Business Studies) can be either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), depending on the university or college where the program is offered. The decision of whether Business Studies is offered as a B.A. or B.Sc. may depend on the emphasis and course content of the particular program. It is important to check the exact program details of each educational institution to learn which bachelor's degree is awarded.

Is a Bachelor of Science worth more than a Bachelor of Arts?

A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree is not necessarily "worth more" than a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The value of a bachelor's degree depends on several factors, including the field of study chosen, career goals, and individual skills and experience. A Bachelor of Science degree is usually associated with science or engineering fields of study, while a Bachelor of Arts degree often has a humanities or arts focus. Both degrees can be valuable, depending on how well they fit with your career goals. It is important to consider personal interests and career plans to make the right choice.

Are all bachelor's degrees equivalent?

In general, all are of equal value. There is no degree that is generally rated higher. However, when it comes to a desired career, then: no, not all bachelor's degrees are equal. Bachelor's degrees can be awarded in a variety of disciplines and programs, and their value depends on the discipline, educational institution, and individual career goals. A bachelor's degree in a relevant field may be more valuable than a degree in a less relevant field for the intended career. The quality of the educational institution, accreditation, and individual performance during the program are also important factors that can influence the value of a bachelor's degree.

How many bachelor degrees in Germany?

There are many different Bachelor's degrees in Germany, as the German higher education landscape is diverse and offers a wide range of programs in different fields and disciplines. There is no exact number, as new degree programs are constantly being developed and the variety of options is large. The number of bachelor's degrees available can vary from year to year. However, there are some common bachelor's degrees, including:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA): In the humanities and social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, history, languages, and literature.
  • Bachelor of Science (BS): In the natural and technical sciences, such as mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, and engineering.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA): In the field of business administration and management.
  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng): In various engineering disciplines.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA): In the fine arts, such as art and design.
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed): For prospective teachers and educators.
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B): For law students.
  • Bachelor of Medicine (B.Med): For pre-clinical medical students.
  • Bachelor of Music (B.Mus): In music and music-related majors.
  • Bachelor of Social Work (BSW): In the field of social work.

More degrees and information above in the text or on this page.

Which degrees are equivalent to the bachelor's degree?

A few examples of degrees that may be equivalent to the bachelor's degree are:

  • Diplom: In some countries, such as Germany, traditional Diplom degrees have been replaced by Bachelor's degrees. However, a diploma can still be considered equivalent if it was earned before this change or is still partially awarded.
  • Licence (France): In France, the "Licence" is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.

Equivalency can vary by country and educational system, so it is important to review specific educational policies and requirements to accurately understand equivalency.

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PAGE-TITLE: Difference Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science