Degree Program

Bachelor, Master, MBA
  • February and September
  • Study Location Munich
  • Munich Business School
  • English

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Management Degree Program

A management degree offers a wide range of opportunities to shape your future sustainably. In your studies, you can acquire the key skills necessary to achieve your goals and lead a successful professional life. Discover what it means to be a manager and how you can advance your career through a management degree. With a bachelor's degree or master's degree in management, you can look forward to a successful career.

Structure and Content of the Management Studies

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  • Contents of your studies
  • Admission and application
  • Prices in detail
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Contents in Management Degree Program

In the Management degree program, you will first acquire a sound knowledge of business administration, before you deal intensively with management know-how in the rest of your studies. You will not only learn everything about finance, marketing and business management, but also skills in strategy development and employee management. In the course of your studies, the following exciting subjects are waiting for you on your semester timetable:

Business mathematics and Statistics
Production and Logistics
Innovation Management
Project Management
Corporate Management


Request information about your desired study program

Munich Business School offers management programs for every academic level. Choose your study program and request our exclusive information material now.

International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
MBA General Management
MBA General Management

Requirements for the Management Studies

In order to be a successful management major, it is important that you are willing to invest a lot of time and energy into your studies. Since management studies is a very demanding subject, you must be able to focus and discipline yourself to achieve the success you want to achieve. It is also important that you are an independent learner and have the necessary motivation to achieve your goal. In addition to learning and motivation, you must also have good communication skills to successfully complete your management studies. Since you will be taught a number of subjects, your presentation, discussion, and writing skills must be mature. This will help you to communicate your ideas more effectively and present convincing arguments.

You should have the following interests and skills:

  • Interest in Business Administration topics and leadership positions in companies.
  • Good analytical skills and mathematical understanding, as business topics often involve numbers and data.
  • Good communication and teamwork skills, as management tasks often require collaboration with other staff.
  • Motivation and commitment to successfully complete the challenging course of study.

Fields of work after Management Studies

There are many different fields of work in which you can work after completing your management studies:

  • Marketing Management: This area is about developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote products and services and attract customers.
  • Operations Management: This is about managing business processes, including production, supply chain and logistics.
  • Business Ethics and Sustainability: This area is about developing and implementing ethical and sustainable business practices that are both environmentally and socially responsible.

Request information about your desired study program

Munich Business School offers management programs for every academic level. Choose your study program and request our exclusive information material now.

International Business
International Business
International Business
International Business
MBA General Management
MBA General Management

Career opportunities after Management Studies

As a graduate of the management program, you have numerous career opportunities. You can work in various areas, such as marketing, human resources or finance. A career in consulting or corporate management is also possible. With a management degree, you have a broad education that can open many doors for you. You can work in small or large companies, or start your own company. Networking and internships during your studies can help you make contacts and gain insight into different industries. With a management degree, you have the opportunity to shape your own future and be successful.

Investment Banker

As an investment banker, you work in the financial industry and advise clients on financial transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, and initial public offerings. You often work in teams and must have a sound knowledge of finance and capital markets.

Project Manager

As a project manager, you are responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring projects in various industries. You often work in teams and must have excellent organizational and communication skills.

In summary, a sports manager is responsible for ensuring that a sports team or organization is run effectively and efficiently, both on a business and sporting level. This also involves promoting the brand and reputation of the team or organization and ensuring that fans and supporters are connected with a positive experience.

What are the prerequisites for a Management Degree?

To be able to start a management study program, you usually need the general high school diploma (Abitur) or a comparable qualification. At Munich Business School it is possible to study management in the bachelor's program without a high school diploma and with a professional qualification! Good English skills are required, as the courses are taught in English. An interest in business topics and management positions in companies are important prerequisites for a management degree. Good analytical skills and mathematical understanding are also beneficial, as business topics often involve numbers and data. Good communication and teamwork skills are also important prerequisites, as management tasks often need to be completed in collaboration with other employees. Motivation and commitment are also important in order to successfully complete the demanding course of study. Basically, you have to decide whether you want to study management in the bachelor's or master's program:


Master in Management

A master's degree in management provides in-depth business knowledge in the various corporate functions. This enriches your knowledge and makes you fitter for your later specialist and leadership tasks in international management. The master graduates of the management studies at our university have best chances on the job market and can work in many different areas of an organization. The very good career network of our university helps you to establish important contacts already during your studies.

Management Degree Program
at the MBS in Numbers

Students per Group

International Partner Universities


Age Range

57 %
International Students


What can you do with a Management Degree?

With a management degree, you can work in many different areas. For example, you can become a business consultant, HR manager, project manager or in many other management positions. You can also specialize in a specific field such as finance, supply chain management or international business. A management degree gives you the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in business. You'll learn how to effectively manage and organize businesses, and gain insight into the different areas of management. With a management degree, you have the best prerequisites for a successful career. At Munich Business School, we support you with management degree programs from Bachelor to MBA.

Where can you study International Business Management?

International Business is a bachelor's degree program at Munich Business School that prepares you for the demands of international business. This degree program focuses on management sciences and dealing with international organizations and markets.

What is a Management Study?

A management degree gives you the ability to lead large teams and successfully implement complex projects. You'll learn to think strategically and make decisions based on data. During your studies, you'll also gain knowledge of business administration, finance and marketing. Graduates of the Management program have very good opportunities on the job market, especially in the fields of management consulting, investment banking and corporate management.

How long do you have to study for Management?

The duration of the Management program depends on various factors, such as the degree (Bachelor's or Master's), the type of study (full-time, part-time or part-time) and the university. In general, a Bachelor's Program in Management takes 6 to 8 semesters (3 to 4 years) and a Master's Program in Management takes 2 to 4 semesters (1 to 2 years).

What are the Management Degree Programs?

There are a variety of management degree programs, which can vary depending on the university and the type of program. Here are some of the most common management degree programs:

  1. Bachelor International Business
  2. Master International Business
  3. MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  4. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

These degree programs offer a broad range of management knowledge and skills relevant to careers in a variety of industries and positions. Some degree programs have specific concentrations, such as International Management or Technology Management, while others take a more general approach.

Does a Management Degree Make Sense?

Absolutely! A management degree is both meaningful and useful. It gives you the opportunity to learn and develop skills that you can use in your future job as a manager. You'll also learn all about business management, marketing, finance, and more. So, the knowledge and skills you can acquire through a management degree are very valuable and will help you develop professionally.

Can you work in other industries with a Management Degree?

If you decide to study management, many doors will open for you. Because what you learn is not limited to a specific industry. You can also work in other industries. This is a great advantage, because it gives you more opportunities to specialize and advance your career. For example, with a management degree you can work in the IT industry or in marketing and sales. There are also many opportunities in the healthcare or tourism industries. With a management degree, you are very flexible and can develop yourself in many different areas. If you decide to study management, you have the chance to shape your own future and establish yourself in the industry in which you feel most comfortable.

What are the most important skills to acquire in the Management Degree Program?

Within a management degree program, there are certain skills that are essential to acquire in order to be successful in the workforce.

  • Communication: One of these skills is the ability to communicate effectively. As a manager, you need to be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely to motivate and inspire your team.
  • Problem-Solving: Another important skill is the ability to problem-solve. As a manager, you must be able to analyze complex problems and find creative solutions.
  • Resilience: It is also important to have a positive attitude and be able to work under pressure. During your management studies, you will learn how to develop and improve these skills.

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Popular Courses at Munich Business School

Our Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs will provide you with relevant knowledge and skills you need for a successful career.

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