Dr. Christine Menges will complete the university management of Munich Business School as of March 1, 2021. She will take over the position of Chancellor.
After Nathalie von Seyfried’s resignation, the successor for the position of Chancellor at Munich Business School has now been determined. Dr. Christine Menges will complete the university’s management team as of March 1, 2021. Menges, who holds a doctorate in economics, most recently worked at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, where she spent the past five years establishing and continuously expanding the MBA Career Center. Christine Menges gained further experience in university management through various positions in the European university scene – for example as Head of Department of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge or as Manager for the Mentoring Program at the University of St. Gallen. A particular focus of her activities has been on talent management, career development, mentoring and coaching, as well as teaching & learning.
Christine Menges looks forward to her new role as Chancellor of Munich Business School with joy and confidence: “Munich Business School is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. I am very much looking forward to continuing and shaping the successful path of one of the best business schools in Germany. We are facing great challenges: Our living and working environments are changing radically. At the same time, new opportunities are opening up. I am convinced that education is becoming increasingly important in this context. Together with my dedicated team of employees and our partners inside and outside the university, we will ensure that we offer study and further education programs that enable people to be prepared for the challenges of a new working world and to face the future positively.”
As Chancellor of Munich Business School, Christine Menges will head the university’s administration and be in charge of marketing and sales as well as finance, among other areas. Her responsibilities will also focus on business development, executive education, career services and corporate relations.
Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School, is pleased to welcome Christine Menges to the university management team: “With Dr. Christine Menges, we have been able to gain a leader with relevant experience in university management who will provide important impulses for the orientation of the university. With her person and background, the MBS university management will continue to be characterized by a high level of diversity, which will be of benefit to the further development of the university. I am looking forward to our collaboration!”

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