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General Management

Master of Business Administration – MBA Part-time

You would like to pursue your career and keep working as you develop academically? The part-time study program at Munich Business School is your best option. In the extra-occupational part-time program MBA General Management, you will acquire excellent fundamental knowledge in general company management. You will strengthen your professional performance and gain deep insights into international markets and different cultures; and all that, whilst you continue to exercise your profession.

Our Part-Time MBA is currently on pause. We would be happy to provide you with detailed information about our Full-Time MBA option and the many benefits the program offers. Request our information material or arrange a personal consultation.

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Your MBA Studies at MBS

Student Life: Did you know that only 50% of learning happens in the classroom? The other 50% happens before and after classes: when you and your peers prepare class material, exchange views, and engage in critical discourse. With 50% students coming from abroad, you are challenged to work in diverse teams, discover new perspectives and question your thinking.

Personal Support: An appointment with your professor? Anytime! You learn in small, interactive courses with only around 30 students. With a 4:1 student to faculty ratio, you are in direct and continuous exchange with your lecturers and receive exceptional, personalized and flexible learning support.


Munich Business School continues its successful course and confirms its status as one of the leading addresses for MBA students worldwide in 2024. (CEO Magazine, 2024 Global MBA Ranking).

Key Facts
MBA General Management Part-Time

Program Start
September and March
24 months
Up to 4,000 EUR scholarship possible
Final Degree
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Course of Studies

Regardless of whether you decide on a full-time or part-time MBA, you will be required to have at least two years of professional experience prior to your application to be admitted, whereby most of the students in the part-time program have already had over five years of experience.

Students of the MBA part-time program take some of their courses together with students of the full-time program. This will give you the opportunity to study in a more diverse environment and expand your professional network. For the perfect start, each semester begins with a six-day kick-off week during which you can attend courses, participate in networking events and work on projects. 

Flagship Courses

The “MBS Flagship” courses Responsible Leadership, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Global Management will focus on business administration topics, which are based on the values of Munich Business School and make the MBA General Management a unique study program.

Responsible Leadership

Given the challenges that our society and our planet are facing, it is essential that managers understand the topic of responsible leadership in all its various dimensions.

In this course you will:

  • learn to understand the key developments around leadership, value creation and effectiveness as well as ethical and unethical leadership
  • analyze your own leadership skills and how to align them with the need for leadership in dynamically changing organizations
  • learn to promote the key principles of responsible leadership and culture in organizations

Global Management

We live in a world characterized by the global movement of goods and financial transactions. For leaders, globalization brings many opportunities, but also many challenges. This course explores the key areas that a modern leader must be aware of and actively manage from a global perspective.

On successful completion of this course, you will:

  • have gained a comprehensive understanding of the key challenges of owning, operating and managing a business in a global context
  • have analyzed and learned best-case company examples and benchmarks in global management and leadership
  • have learned to use key tools to optimize business in a multinational environment as well as best practices for analyzing globalization challenges
  • have learned how interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-cultural and interpersonal relationships impact the process and implementation of international strategies and decision-making

On top of that you will have the opportunity to spend one week at one of our 10 international partner business schools from the EMBA Consortium, for example in Italy, USA, Japan, UK or Brazil.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In the competitive world that we live in, innovative ideas are what separate a successful company from the rest. This course covers all aspects to enable managers at all levels of the corporation to proactively address the challenges necessary to be innovative and entrepreneurial. An entrepreneurial perspective is also appropriate for addressing opportunities in large or small businesses, social ventures, and personal lives.

In this course you will:

  • learn about different types of innovation and how organizations can cultivate and leverage an innovative and entrepreneurial culture
  • learn how to critically think through cases, apply concepts, design an approach to implementation, and pitch desk and present your idea

Expert Business Knowledge

In the “Expert Business Knowledge” courses, you will acquire comprehensive management expertise.

Accounting for Management Decisions

Challenging business issues arise from time to time and changes in the market environment require companies to adapt quickly and tune their business accordingly. This requires careful analysis of available financial information and active management of inventory, production, marketing, employees and customers in addition to careful financial management.

In this 6 day module course, you will learn:

  • the main differences between financial and managerial accounting
  • to understand the role of ethics in the accounting process
  • how transactions are recorded in a double-entry accounting system
  • the components of a financial statement and the common types of assets and liabilities on a balance sheet and selected valuation rules
  • to prepare a cash flow statement, use common financial ratios in analyzing financial statements, analyze cost drivers, make pricing decisions based on cost analysis, and allocate costs

Strategic Marketing

The course introduces MBA students to a set of core topics to develop a broad understanding of the basic marketing concepts, theories and applications to be successful managers in today's globally competitive business world.

In this course you will learn all about the importance and meaning of marketing management to various stakeholders across functions and levels as well as how to:

  • develop a marketing strategy built on segmentation, marketing and positioning
  • to apply market-focused management across a broad and deep portfolio of tools
  • how to adapt marketing to innovative products and services
  • how to inform prototyping marketing decisions based on segmentation, targeting, and positioning

Financial Management

The course covers current best practices in financial analysis and planning through the application of financial concepts. In addition, the course also introduces the topic of sustainable finance.

In this course you will learn:

  • how to use a framework, concepts and tools to analyze financial decisions based on basic principles of modern applied finance theory
  • to understand and interpret the framework of international financial management and the relationships and structure of P&L, Balance Sheet and CASH
  • to calculate, evaluate and, if necessary, challenge various financing and investment alternatives
  • to analyze companies, compare investments and engage in in-depth discussions about the unique challenges facing international companies
  • how to weigh whether or not to buy a company and evaluate this from different perspectives
  • to analyze key international financial management issues in a team for at least one multinational, publicly traded company and make recommendations regarding financial stability and prospects as an investment

Personal Development

This course gives participants the opportunity to get clarity about themselves: their personality traits, their values, needs and beliefs - to get a complete picture of their personality. The course will guide you through different aspects of your personality and help you identify the direction you want to give to your career. During the course, the students analyze and receive feedback on the past, the present, and the future.

Topics covered are key people and role models, believes, values, personality types, motivation and needs, career drivers and purpose.

In this course you will:

  • analyze the different aspects of your personality
  • learn all about the different tools for personal development
  • design your personal development plan

Electives (2 out of 4)

In the course of your MBA studies, you will also take two elective courses, whereby you will decide on one course per semester to solidify your knowledge in these areas.

Business in Germany

This course is designed to help international managers understand the intricacies of a German work environment. The course covers not only political aspects, but also legal aspects that need to be considered if working in a German setting.

Through this course you will:

  • gain a basic knowledge of the German culture
  • learn all about how Germany is intertwined with the European Union
  • gain a sound and scientific understanding of current developments in the German society
  • learn about different perspectives on controversial economic issues in Germany

Global Supply Chain Management

This course explores all the challenges, but also opportunities, associated with the developments related to global supply chains and covers topics such as issues and opportunities of globalization and new world economy, strategic operations management, international logistics infrastructure development and total quality management.

In this course you will:

  • learn about the organizational processes and methods used to create and deliver goods and services
  • learn to understand the changing value chain approach prevalent in today's manufacturing and service organizations
  • acquire detailed knowledge on how to efficiently and effectively plan, implement, and control the supply chain
  • analyze the various stages of development of the supply chain management and logistics function
  • evaluate the challenges that supply chain and logistics managers face on a daily basis

Management in Emerging Markets

The goal of the course is to give you a solid knowledge base in relation to some of the most vibrant and economically flourishing regions of the world. In order to achieve this aim, the course is divided into three interrelated modules which are distinguished by country and regional focus. Module 1 focuses on markets in Latin America, module 2 on India and module 3 on China.

In this course you will:

  • get an introduction into the business culture, politics, society and economy of the countries mentioned above
  • learn the framework of international management understanding
  • analyze key issues in international management and their particular application in China, India and Latin America
  • learn to apply management tools and knowledge to work more effectively and efficiently in an international context
  • learn about key success factors, do's and dont's

Data Analytics

In today's data-driven business world, the ability to analyze data and derive valuable insights from it is critical. The module “Data Analytics” will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills required to effectively analyze data and turn it into business decisions.

This module will be offered starting in Spring 2024.

Foreign Languages (optional)


German A 1.1 I

Through this course you will reach the first half of level A 1.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

In this course you will learn how to

  • formulate short texts with short and simple sentences
  • formulate sentences for everyday situations, e.g. simple messages, notes, postcards
  • engage in simple conversations, ask and answer questions about everyday situations and familiar topics
  • learn to describe physical ailments and ask for advice

German A 1.1. II

Through this course you will reach the second half of level A 1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

In this course you will learn how to

  • understand simple words, conversations and sentences
  • talk about yourself, familiar people and topics
  • ask questions and give orders

Master Thesis


Master Thesis

During the final thesis you can work on one of the following project types:

  • Individual research project: A study of a practical business problem, preferably in conjunction with an external company or organization.
  • Entrepreneurial Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan for the establishment and start-up phase of a new enterprise/initiative, developed by one to three students.
  • Group consulting project: A project performed by a group of three or four students working with an external company/organization on an agreed strategy or management problem. It is expected that the project results in practical, implementable recommendations to the organization providing the project.

Harvard Professional Development Programs

Boost your "Flagship Courses" with an online course and a Certificate of Participation from the Harvard Professional Development Programs (PDP). For each of your "Flagship Courses" you can optionally add an online course as an MBA student. The course selection is updated every semester and is specially adapted to the contents of the "Flagship Courses". In this way, participants can optimally complement and deepen their knowledge acquired at MBS and enrich it with additional perspectives.

Recommended courses from the past were for example

  • Becoming a Leader: Developing your Style and Making Sound Decisions
  • Influence and Persuasion in Leadership
  • Building a Sustainable Organization: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies
  • The Consultant’s Toolkit
  • Strategic Sales Management


Leadership Week
Leadership Week

 In the first week of the programme, we focus on delivering insights into the world of leadership. With lectures, seminars and workshops lead by the likes of US Army professionals, we take a broad look at the leadership topic.

Start-up Week
Start-up Week

The Start-up Week is part of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship flagship course and gives you the opportunity to work on your entrepreneurial skills.

During the MBA Start-up Week you will get an introduction into design thinking and lean-startup methodologies, develop your own idea by doing a design sprint, get to know founders, start-ups and new work.

Business Simulation Week
Business Simulation Week

The Business Simulation Week is part of the course Accounting for Management Decisions and is delivered in two components.

The first is a two day accounting bootcamp where the learning is fast and intensive. Following the bootcamp is an innovative and powerful learning experience called C-Suite Life that runs for four days. During these days MBA students take on key roles in a struggling organisation and are tasked with returning the business to profitability and growth.


A special highlight of the MBA General Management program at MBS is the International EMBA Week. As part of the flagship course Global Management you will have the opportunity to spend one week at one of our ten international partner business schools from the EMBA Consortium, for example in Italy, USA, Japan, UK or Brazil. The visit will enable you to meet real-life examples of global market leaders and get an exposure to global decision-making processes in the form of discussions with notable guest speakers understand and capitalize on the value of cultural heritage as a driver for economic and social growth.


Get to know our MBA program. At our Online Info Sessions.

‌ Info Session
29 October 2024
Virtual Info Session – Reach your professional goals with an MBA, October 29, 2024 Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your business… learn more
‌ Info Session
07 November 2024
Virtual Info Session – Reach your professional goals with an MBA, November 7, 2024 Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your business… learn more
‌ Info Session
25 November 2024
Virtual Info Session – Reach your professional goals with an MBA, November 25, 2024 Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your business… learn more
‌ Info Session
04 December 2024
Virtual Info Session – Reach your professional goals with an MBA, December 4, 2024 Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your business… learn more
‌ Info Session
13 December 2024
Virtual Info Session – Reach your professional goals with an MBA, December 13, 2024 Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen your business… learn more


The world of work is constantly changing. Due to technology many jobs will disappear, while others will grow and new ones, which we haven’t heard of yet, will be created. This means that it is very important that you prepare yourself for the future – and we support you in this endeavor!

Whether you aim to advance in your current field, change your job function or industry, or become a successful entrepreneur, we offer individual and tailor-made support to make you fit for the future:

Career Coaching
Career Coaching

In order to find your own way in an increasingly complex and dynamic business world, it is important to know your values, interests, personality and skills.


We offer personalized one-on-one career coaching from certified professionals to identify your VIPS, assess your career goals and design your employment strategy.

Career Workshops & Networking Opportunities
Career Workshops & Networking Opportunities

We offer workshops on how to build your brand and network, how to find a job in Germany, CV and cover letter writing, and interviewing skills.


With the help of facilitators, speakers and online tools, we support you in pursuing your career goal. Being successful in landing a job requires a lot of proactivity and networking. MBS provides you with a lot of opportunities to meet and get to know alumni, recruiters, guest speakers, and student clubs.

Business Projects
Business Projects

You get the chance to work on a consulting project for a large corporate, mid-sized company, start-up or non-profit organization from various industries.


In a team of 4 to 6 students you will work on a concrete, practice-relevant project over a period of several months. This will give you a better understanding of the internal processes and structures of the company and at the same time give you the opportunity to apply and prove your acquired skills in practice. 

Company Visits and Company Presentations
Company Visits and Company Presentations

Throughout the year, various career and networking events offer you exciting behind-the-scenes insights into a wide variety of companies and let you make your first contacts.


Company representatives come to campus to provide information about their company, offer insights or outline current trends in the industry. In addition, we offer company visits where we take you into the companies' offices.

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MBA General Management in Numbers

Highlight Weeks


31 Years
Average Age

International Partner Universities

7 Years
Average Work Experience

75 %
International Students

45 %
Female Students


In order to be admitted to a study program at Munich Business School, you must fulfill academic, linguistic, and professional requirements. The required application documents may be submitted at any time. Since the places are limited, we advise you to apply for your desired study start as early as possible. One thing always applies: the earlier you submit your application, the more likely it is that you will be admitted to the next program start.

Questions? Schedule an appointment right now!

Admission requirements

Academic and Professional Requirements

Academic requirements
You must present proof that you have successfully completed a recognized degree in any subject.

Work experience
You will be required to present evidence of at least two years of pertinent work experience after your first degree. However, there are circumstances under which you can be admitted with a shorter period of practical experience. Please ask your program advisor about this particular matter.

Personal qualities
You should have management and leadership potential, excellent interpersonal and communicative skills and a high degree of personal maturity and motivation. You should also be in a position to contribute to the community’s learning process.

Language Requirements

English Language Tests
You must present proof of your command of the English language by passing one of the following test procedures.

  • TOEFL iBT & Home Edition: min. 85 (min. of 22 in writing band, min. of 20 in all other bands; MBS TOEFL Institution Code: 5772)
  • IELTS & IELTS Online: min. level of 6.5– Academic Module
  • ELS English for Academic Purposes: Advanced Level 112
  • Duolingo English Test: Overall Score 115 or higher
  • Pearson PTE Academic: Overall Score 56 or higher
  • Cambridge: Min. 173 or Grade B or higher

Note: If the test is also used to apply for a visa, please check the requirements of the respective embassy in advance.

Test results can only be accepted if achieved within the last two years. If you are unable to obtain your test results before handing in your MBS application, please advise us of your planned test date.

The English proficiency test can be waived by the following candidates:

  • Applicants having completed their schooling in English (i.e., High School Diploma, IB)
  • Applicants having completed their first academic degree in English
  • English is the official language in daily business communication in your current position and company (we require a confirmation letter from your employer) for at least 2 years

Application Deadline

Application deadline in detail

We accept applications all year round. However, we recommend that you apply as early as possible, as the number of places is limited.

Spring semester

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): January 31
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): October 31

Winter semester

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): July 15
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): April 30

Applicants from Vietnam, China and India should allow an extra month to apply for the relevant visas.

Application process

Step 1: Written Application

Application documents
When submitting your application, you must provide the following mandatory documents for your application to be considered:

  • Letter of motivation (1-2 pages)
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • A copy of your official academic transcript stating your final grade*
  • Two references of your current or previous employers
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL 85, IELTS 6.5, ELS 112)
  • A copy of your passport details page (the one with the photo)
  • A recent passport size photo
  • Completed application form
  • When applying for a scholarship: personal statement (1 page)

Apply Online

* Original or certified copies of these documents will need to be provided if you are successful in gaining admission to the program.

Optional supporting materials
You are welcome to supply any additional information that you believe will strengthen your application. Similarly, Munich Business School reserves the right to request any additional information that the Selection Committee believes will assist its admission decision.

Step 2: Personal Interview

Application Deadlines

The following application deadlines exist for the two start dates in March and September: 

September 2023 study start: 

  • Application deadline May 31, 2023 for international students.
  • Application deadline July 15, 2023 for EU/EFTA students

March 2024 study start:

  • Application deadline November 15, 2023 for international students.
  • Application deadline January 31, 2024 for EU/EFTA students


Personal Interview

The interview will last approximately 30-45 minutes and is intended to help both you as well as MBS to determine whether your profile will match the study program and the class being formed. Of course, this interview will also present you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

If you are from Germany or close enough to travel, you can attend the personal interview at Munich Business School with the Admissions Manager and the Academic Program Director. If you cannot attend a personal interview, you will be interviewed via video conference.

Step 3: Study Contract

The Admissions Office informs you about the outcome of the application process within 10 working days. In case of acceptance, Munich Business School will provide you with an acceptance letter as well as two copies of your study contract. One copy needs to be signed and returned within two weeks to secure your spot in the program. The other copy needs to be kept for your own records.

The acceptance to the study program requires an enrollment fee of 690 Euro (EU/EFTA) respectively 1,490 Euro (non-EU) and deposit of 1.990 Euro due upon signing the study contract. The deposit will be deducted from your first tuition fee installment.

Step 4: Student Visa

If you are a non-EU national, you are required to apply for a student visa in order start your studies in Germany. To obtain a visa invitation letter from Munich Business School, please take the following steps:

  1. Hand in your signed study contract and a copy of your passport details page.
  2. Transfer a deposit of 1,000 Euro. This sum will be deducted from the first semester tuition installment.

More about Student Visa


We offer three different MBA scholarships, all related to our three core values: globally minded, responsible, and innovative.

MBA Global Thinker Scholarship

Are you globally minded with a cultural awareness to act consciously in an international environment? Please explain what globally minded means to you personally and to what extend it is shaping your professional life.

MBA Responsible Leader Scholarship

Do you act responsibly by incorporating ethical and sustainable considerations into your decisions? Please describe which activities from your personal and professional life are related to responsibility or responsible actions.

MBA Smart Entrepreneur Scholarship

Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset and the ability to create innovative and creative solutions? Please describe in what way entrepreneurship and innovation plays a role in your professional life and tell us more about your personal entrepreneurial skills.

In order to apply for one of our MBA scholarships, please pick one option and answer the corresponding question in a personal statement. Please upload the document within your initial online application for a study place. A subsequent application is not possible.

Due to the limited number of scholarships an early application is recommended. Applicants who convince us of their suitability will be granted up to EUR 4,000 on the overall tuition fee.

The application for one of the scholarships is made together with the application for a place at university. Further information can be found under "Scholarships and financing".

Our Part-Time MBA is currently on pause. We would be happy to provide you with detailed information about our Full-Time MBA option and the many benefits the program offers. Request our information material or arrange a personal consultation.

Request info material


The quality of teaching and the training of sought-after professionals and managers is the focus at Munich Business School. By studying at MBS, you are making an investment in your future. This amounts to 32,000 euros. You can comfortably pay the tuition fees in four semesters or 24 monthly installments.

Depending on which partner university you would like to spend your semester abroad at or if you would like to do a dual degree, additional costs may apply.

In accordance with our university values, we are willing to offer first-class and motivated applicants a study place at Munich Business School - regardless of their economic background. There are many ways to finance your studies - scholarships, BAföG, education funds, etc. Get an overview of our scholarships as well as the 100% student funding with our partner Brain Capital and find the model that suits you best. Detailed information can be found here.

Tuition Fees MBA Part-time

Fee per Month
1,333 Euro
Fee per Term
8,000 Euro
Overall Tuition Fee
32,000 Euro

Other Fees

Application Processing Fee
60 Euro
Enrollment fee for EU/EFTA students
690 Euro
Enrollment fee for other students
1,490 Euro


Would you like to learn more?

Studienberater MBS: Maciej Kaproń, M.Sc.
Program Advisor MBA Maciej Kaproń, M.Sc. +49 89 547678 254 +49 178 2304275
How can we help you? Next Steps Arrange consultation Request brochure Apply online