Professor*innen und Dozent*innen sprechen miteinander

Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck

Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck started her career in the German Diplomatic Service before co-founding and heading a financial literacy project established by Allianz, McKinsey & Company, KPMG, and Grey. During her Ph.D. studies, she developed the Social Reporting Standard, i.e., guidelines for impact-oriented reporting. Other significant experiences include consulting for a social venture capital fund and projects for development cooperation agencies on social entrepreneurship.

Prof. Dr. Scheck furthermore supports the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA) in Munich in developing novel education programs for societal change. She is a member of the EU's GECES subgroup on impact measurement in social enterprise, the Impact Measurement Working Group of the Social Impact Investment Task Force established by the G8, and co-founder of Volunteer Vision, an online corporate volunteering platform.

Her research focuses on the financing of social enterprises, impact and mission-related investing, and impact assessment. She holds a Diplôme de Grande Ecole and MSc from European School of Management, where she studied International Business Administration in Paris, Oxford, and Berlin, and a PhD from Technical University Munich.


Before joining MBS in 2016, Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck was Assistant Professor for Social Investment at University of Hamburg since 2012. Since 2017, she has been the Academic Program Director of the MBA General Management program.

At MBS: Professor for Entrepreneurship, Academic Program Director MBA General Management

Courses: Bachelor International Business, Master International Business, Master Sports Business and Communication, MBA General Management

Focus: Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship


Spiess-Knafl, W. / Scheck, B. (2017): Impact Investing – Instruments, Mechanisms and Actors. Palgrave Macmillan 2017, ISBN: 978-3-319-66555-9, 978-3-319-66556-6.



Scheck, B. / Spiess-Knafl, W. (2017): Bestmögliche Wirkung erzielen. In: StiftungsWelt 01/2017, pp. 34 – 35.

Scheck, B. (2016): Begleitevaluation JuMP – Jugendliche mit Perspektive – Zusammenfassung und Kernaussagen. 

Scheck, B. / Höchstädter, A. K. / Busch, T. (2016): Making Money at the Expense of the Poor? An Investigation of Individuals' Preferences to Impact Invest Versus Donate. ACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives 5 (2), pp. 141 – 163.

Wörrlein, L. / Scheck, B. (2016): Performance management in the third sector: a literature-based analysis of terms and definitions. Public Administration Quarterly 40 (2), pp. 220 – 255.

Höchstädter, A.-K. / Scheck, B. (2015): What's in a Name: An Analysis of Impact Investing Understandings by Academics and Practitioners. Journal of Business Ethics 132 (2), pp. 449 – 475. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-014-2327-0.

Lütjens-Schilling, L. / Scheck, B. (2015): Mapping the market: Conditions and potential for building an impact investing market in Morocco. Study for The Impact Investing Policy Collaborative, September 2015.

Scheck, B. / Spiess-Knafl, W. (2014): Die Besonderheiten von Sozialunternehmen hinsichtlich Finanzierung und Reporting. In: Bock, K. / Dörr, M. / Homfeldt, H.G. / Krüdener, J.S. / Thole, W. (Eds.): Grundlagen der sozialen Arbeit. Band 34: Sozialunternehmertum, pp. 139 – 152.

Höchstädter, A.-K./ Scheck, B. (2014): Mapping the social impact investing market in Germany. An overview of opportunities in the education space. Study for The Impact Investing Policy Collaborative, June 2014.

Scheck, B. (2014): A standard for social impact reporting. The Conference Board Initiative on Corporate Philanthropy.

Scheck, B. / Höchstädter, A.-K. (2013): Social Impact Bond: Ein innovatives Instruments zur Finanzierung sozialer Dienstleistungen. Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, 4/2013, pp. 116 – 118.

Weber, M. /Scheck, B. (2012): Impact Investing in Deutschland. Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsansweisungen zur Weiterentwicklung. Study commissioned by Bertelsmann Stiftung. Gütersloh.

Roder, B. / Achleitner, A.-K. / Bassen, A. (2011): Ein Reporting Standard für Social Entrepreneurs. In: Hackenberg, H. / Empter, S. (Eds.): Social Entrepreneurship – Social Business: Für die Gesellschaft unternehmen. Wiesbaden, pp. 328 – 336.

Bassen, A. / Roder, B. (2009): Social Entrepreneurship – Ein Thema für junge Menschen? In: Hekmann, B. (Eds.): Generation Unternehmer? Youth Entrepreneurship Education in Deutschland. Gütersloh, pp. 271 – 282.

Achleitner, A.-K. / Bassen, A. / Roder, B. / Lütjens, L. (2009): Ein Reporting Standard für Social Entrepreneurs. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 4 (2009), pp. 30 – 34.

Achleitner, A.-K. / Bassen, A. / Roder, B. / Spiess-Knafl, W. (2009): Reporting in Social Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the 6th Annual NYU-Stern Conference on Social Entrepreneurship. New York,

Achleitner, A.-K. / Bassen, A. / Roder, B. (2009): An Integrative Framework for Reporting in Social Entrepreneurship.

Achleitner, A.-K. / Bassen, A. / Heister, P. / Roder, B. (2008): Perspektiven des Entrepreneurship – Social Entrepreneurship. In: Russo, P. / Strascheg, F. / Gleich, R. (Eds.): Von der Idee zum Markt. Munich, 2008, pp. 253 – 263.



Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Familie und Integration: Zukunftswerkstatt des Forums Soziales Bayern (FSB) – "Soziale Innovation" plenum. Keynote, Munich, September 29, 2016.

Tapping into Private Sector Resources by Leveraging Corporate Volunteers. Panel at Social Enterprise Conference – Presented by the Students of Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Cambridge/USA, 2014.

Interventions in Support of Social Entrepreneurship in Morocco – an interdisciplinary approach to definition and ecosystem analysis. Speech at the conference L’entrepreneuriat social dans les pays en développment: levier d’une croissance responsable? Université de Fés, Fés/Marokko, September 27 – 28, 2013.

Impact Investing in Germany – national engagement strategy and KfW financing program for social entrepreneurs und Impact Investing in Morocco – Initiative nationale pour le développement humain (INDH). Speech at the Policy Innovation in Impact Investing Conference of the Impact Investing Policy Collaborative (IIPC), London and Oxford, July 7 – 9, 2013.

Der Social Reporting Standard – wirkungsorientierte Berichterstattung für Stiftungen. Speech at the Stifungstag der Berenberg Bank, Hamburg, August 22, 2013.

Social Investing – what matters from the perspective of social enterprises. Speech at the 2013 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lyon, June 5 – 8, 2013.

Wirkungsmessung: Was ist Erfolg? SPeech at the Wintertagung des Arbeitskreises Unternehmensstiftungen, Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen, Bonn, January 19, 2011.

Reporting im Social Entrepreneurship. Speech at the Hamburger Tage des Stiftungs- und Non-Profit-Rechts, Hamburg, November 5 – 6, 2010.

The Allianz4Good Scorecard – Taking a Strategic, Long-term Perspective With Regard to Social Engagement. Speech at the 4th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, "CSR-Challenges Around the Globe", Humboldt-Universität Berlin, September 22 – 24, 2010.

Social Reporting Standard – Vorstellung und Diskussion eines neuen Berichtsstandards für Sozialunternehmer. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Frankfurt, July 1, 2010.

Reporting in Social Entrepreneurship. Speech at the 6th Annual Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, NYU Stern Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, New York, November 4 – 6, 2009.

Ein Reporting Standard for Social Entrepreneurs. Speech at the GETIDOS Tagung "Social Entrepreneurship – Status Quo 2009" (awarded Best Paper Prize), Berlin, Jul 16 – 19, 2009.

Berichterstattung von Sozialunternehmen. Speech at the 11. Forum Gründungsforschung, Dortmund, November 6 – 7, 2008.

Reporting im Social Entrepreneurship. Speech at the 3rd International CSR-Conference "Corporate Responsibility and Governance", Humboldt-Universität Berlin, October 8 – 10, 2008.

All articles by Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck on the MBS Business Blog

Kraft, P. / Scheck, B. (2019): Why Silicon Valley Can Help Companies to Transform, 13.02.2019,

Scheck, B. (2017): Learning in the Era of Digital Transformation. Munich Business School, 12-05-2017,

Scheck, B. (2016): The 21st Century – an Era of Social Innovation? Munich Business School, 12-05-2016,


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